Keywords: Inclusion, Down Syndrome, People with Special Needs, Regular Education.Abstract
This article sought to reflect on the inclusion of students with Down Syndrome in Regular Education. It aimed to reflect on the pedagogical practices that regular schools should implement with children with Down Syndrome in the school space. If worked properly from birth, people with Down Syndrome can lead an almost normal life, far from prejudices they grow up like any other child. Special people, if well accompanied, can overcome barriers imposed by the genetic anomaly. In order to have a deeper understanding about the carrier of Down Syndrome within the regular school, it is observed that in everyday life, the better the child is accepted by the family and the community, the greater their development will be. This study used qualitative and bibliographical research as a methodology in an attempt to analyze the development and improvement in the education of students with Down Syndrome from their initial steps to social adjustment. Inclusion constitutes connective growth in family life and in the classroom. How important is the presence of a trained teacher, making the appropriate referral with resources and physical space. The teacher is the main character for the formation of an inclusive society, as they contribute to the teaching-learning of these students. In the process of inclusion, the student with Down Syndrome in regular education faces great difficulties, with the lack of information, the challenges are even greater. The bearer of Down Syndrome is not a patient and we must be aware that we have to lose the fear of these children who have the difference stamped on their faces.
Keywords: Inclusion, Down Syndrome, People with Special Needs, Regular Education.